Diane had always been a successful businesswoman. She had built her own empire from scratch and had always been able to turn a profit no matter what the economy was doing. But one day, everything changed. Diane had made a risky investment in the stock market, and it had gone terribly wrong. She had lost everything she had worked so hard for, and she was furious. She couldn't believe that all of her hard work had gone to waste. As she sat in her office, seething with anger, Diane felt a strange sensation wash over her. Suddenly, her skin began to tingle, and she could feel her muscles growing larger and stronger. Before she knew it, she had transformed into a muscular, green-skinned woman unlike anything she had ever seen before. Her clothes were straining against her growing muscles, and her skin was now a vibrant shade of green. She could feel the power coursing through her veins, and she was filled with a fierce rage that she had never felt before. Diane let out a roar that shook the windows in her office. Her eyes started glowing green. She became she hulk! She grabbed a huge barrel full of water and lifted it easily above her head. The barrel weights more than 400lbs/200kg but it's nothing to her newly gained strenght. It felt like picking up a feather to her. Her enormous muscles can lift anything! Nothing is too much for She hulk! She is ready to destroy the whole world! Will you survive?